Wednesday 11 May 2016

Basic Requirements for Recording and Producing Music 

Music making has been never more convenient and easy . Today in 2016 , there are many award winning engineers and producers who operate solely from their home studios, rather than getting the recordings done in expensive studios at unreasonable rates. 
It is not just because of the cost or pricing of the studios, but because of the comfort and access to different technologies at your finger tips that was not possible before a few years.
Of course there are pro’s and con’s of everything. But music making in the box has never been more vast then in the recent years which has given many musicians , engineers and producers the opportunity to learn and work from their homes with different instruments and equipments without investing a whole lot of money in it .

Today I am going to discuss a few basic requirements for recording and producing your own music anytime and anywhere you want . 

The list is as follows :

1) Computer 

A computer is the basic requirement today for recording and producing music . By a computer , I mean any computer (Windows/Mac). Now a days it is also possible to record in your phones or i pads, but we will need a little more professional and reliable device to produce music. For which, any computer will do . Only thing to keep in mind, when choosing one is that, if it contains enough memory and processing power to process our recordings . 

2) Audio Interface 

Audio Interface is the second important thing that we will be need to record any piece of music . Basically, Audio Interface is a hardware unit that converts analog signals to digital signals and imports them into our computer . There are lot of different kinds of interfaces, but all of them does the same job. Doesn't necessarily need to be the most expensive one . Any good and reliable interface will do . We should always cross check the preamp quality of the interface before buying any .
For more information about different types of audio interfaces and choosing the best one, link in provided below

3) Microphone 

Well, microphone is something that captures sound . They have different types, polar patterns, qualities and built . But for the initial stage, any microphone will work ( Preferably dynamic ). 
To know more about different microphone types and polar patterns, please visit the link below .

4) Headphones / Studio Monitors 

When recording and producing music , we will need some kind of headphones or speakers to playback what we are working on . Headphones/Monitors, either will work . If we choose to work with headphones, it is best to get a studio quality professional pair rather than any ordinary fancy ones . If not any studio pair then an ordinary ones will work as well until and unless we are aware of what they actually sound like . 
If we choose to work in studio monitors then i suggest visiting the link below before making any purchase or even thinking of doing so .

5) Recording Software (D.A.W)

We will also need some kind of recording software or D.A.W ( Digital Audio Workstation ), where we will record all our materials . There are many of the kind. It doesn't necessarily needs to be the best or the most expensive one . There are even free recording softwares like audacity or garageband to begin with . But to be a little bit more professional we can choose any inexpensive D.A.W as all of them does the same work . Some examples are Pro-tools , Logic pro-X , Cubase etc .
For more information about D.A.W ( Digital Audio Workstation), click the link below .

6) Cables and wires 

Finally we will be needing some cables to patch up everything and get going . To start with , we wont need anything except a few XLR and 1/4” instrument cables .

Well, that’s all we need for now to start recording and producing music . Of course, the list doesn't end. But again these are just the basic elements with what we can start recording or creating something on our own . 

Music making was never this easier before . But with the change in technology and growth in demand, career in music making has also significantly changed. As today, we have more musicians , engineers and producers who can create and share music from their homes with the minimalistic or no costs. And in general, we have a much bigger and vast library of music to listen, choose and share from .

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